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He allegedly used the funds in the months after to pay off a $100,000 credit card bill, write his father a $300,000 check and write two checks totaling $753,000 to himself. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, which is also investigating Satterfield’s death, has charged Murdaugh with two felony counts of obtaining property by false pretenses in the Satterfield case.Īccording to prosecutors who reviewed his bank records, Murdaugh had already funneled $3.3 million of the settlement into a fake bank account named after an Atlanta-based financial firm calledForge.

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Murdaugh planned the scheme with his two friends, attorney Cory Fleming and banker Chad Westendorf, it is claimed.

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Murdaugh used the firm’s stationary in a plot to siphon $4.3 million from Satterfield’s estate that was supposed to go to her two sons

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